Anubias barteri (nana bonsai)

It doesn’t get smaller than this! This is probably the smallest Anubias in the world and is a real boon to any underwater landscape. In terms of cultivation and care it is just as robust as the original form, but needs a little more light to produce lovely, compact greenery. This dwarf form can be used in a 10 L Nano Cube or larger. These plants have a most natural appearance when tied to delicate roots or driftwood. Red bogwood is perfectly suited to this purpose. Alternatively, showcase your ‘bonsai’ Anubias on a canvas of decorative rocks.


Family Araceae
Genus Anubias
Type Rhizome
Origins Cultivar
Color Green
Placement Front
Dificulty Easy
Growth Rate Slow
Lighting Medium-High
Size 3 - 5 cm
CO2 Low-Medium