Welcome to my aquarium site. I set up this site to help me with planning an running of my aquariums. Hear I keep track of the current tanks. I also keep a personal database of fish, plants and equipment.
Resent news
The replacement kribensis male has successfully made it into the main tank. He spent the first few days being a bit aggressive towards the other fish, including the female kribensis, but has now settled down and paired up with his intended partner. The female is coloring up and they are both cleaning up around the stone cave I built for them.

TMC GroBeam 1500 Ultima Natural Daylight
I have three of these in my Aqua Oak 310 tank. I was aiming for a medium light level for a tank without any added CO2. Almost a year in I am quite happy with the lights. The punch through to the bottom of my 60 cm tank and the spread of the light nice …
New Tank
My new tank and all the equipment has arrived. In the end I decided to get an Aqua Oak 310 , it is much better looking than the larger aquarium brands.
My name is Martin. When I decided to take up the aquarium hobby again I decided to setup a WordPress site to help me with the planing and maintenance of my tanks. To my disappointment I could not find a suitable aquarium plugin. This is the result of quite a few evenings development effort. It allows me to keep a database of fish, plants and equipment. It also allows me to create tank setups and keep track of my maintenance and water parameters.
Please use this contact form if you want to contact me.