Lake Tebera Rainbowfish

The Lake Tebera rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family endemic to the Lake Tebera basin in Papua New Guinea.

Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish

The dwarf rainbowfish is a species of fish in the family Melanotaeniidae, also commonly known as the neon rainbowfish. It is endemic to the Mamberamo River basin in West Papua in Indonesia and common in the aquarium trade.

Penguin Tetra

The Penguin Tetra comes from the tributaries and rivers of South America and makes a wonderful addition to any community aquarium. They are pale to golden in color, and have a black vertical stripe that extends down the bottom half of the tail, giving an appearance similar to a penguin.

Purple Emperor Tetra

The Purple Emperor Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri) is found in sluggish tributaries off the main river channels of the Rio Aripuane and upper Rio Madeira basins, in Brazil and are known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Blue Emperor Tetra, Inpaichthys Tetra, Regal Emperor Tetra, or Royal Emperor Tetra.

Scarlet Tetra

The Scarlet Tetra is a stunning characin known from tropical savannah creeks in Amapá in north-eastern Brazil. This is a peaceful shoaling species, ideal for mature softwater aquaria.

Black Phantom Tetra

The black phantom tetra is a small freshwater fish of the characin family of order Characiformes. It is native to the upper Paraguay basin and upper Madeira basin in Brazil and Bolivia. It is commonly seen in the aquarium trade.

Sailfin Molly

The sailfin molly is a species of fish of the genus Poecilia. They inhabit fresh, brackish, and coastal waters from North Carolina to Texas and the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico.


The southern platyfish, common platy, or moonfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) is a species of freshwater fish in family Poeciliidae of order Cyprinodontiformes. A live-bearer, it is closely related to the green swordtail (X. helleri) and can interbreed with it. It is native to an area of North and Central America stretching from Veracruz, Mexico, to northern Belize.

Endlers Livebearer

Poecilia wingei, known to aquarists as Endlers or Endler’s livebearer, in the genus Poecilia, is a small fish native to the Paria Peninsula in Venezuela. They are proficient breeders and often hybridize with guppies.


The green swordtail is a species of freshwater/brackish fish in family Poeciliidae of order Cyprinodontiformes. A live-bearer, it is closely related to the southern platyfish or ‘platy’ and can crossbreed with it.