Flame Tetra

The flame tetra, also known as the red tetra or Rio tetra, is a small freshwater fish of the characin family Characidae.


Family Characidae
Species Hyphessobrycon flammeus
Origins Mature females likely to be fuller bodied. Mature males usually have redder anal fins.
Sexual Dimorphism Mature females likely to be fuller bodied. Mature males usually have redder anal fins.
Length 3.0 cm
Shoaling Yes
Temperature 22 - 28 deg C
Water parameters pH 5.8 - 7.8, dH 1 - 25


The Flame Tetra is a small, peaceful species that is ideal for community aquariums. Must be kept in groups of 6 or more due to shoaling nature. A planted aquarium with shady areas will be much appreciated. Tends to show stronger colouration when kept in softer, slightly acidic water.


Flake, micropellets, and frozen foods such as daphnia and mosquito larvae.


A separate breeding tank should be set up with soft, acidic water, and plenty of plants, both rooted and floating. The female should release between 200 and 300 eggs which, once fertilised, take 2-3 days to hatch. The parent fish should be removed from the tank once spawning has ceased, in order to prevent predation on the eggs.

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