The three stripe corydoras, leopard catfish, false julii corydoras, or three line catfish is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the Corydoradinae sub-family of the Callichthyidae family.
Type | Catfish |
Family | Callichthyidae |
Species | Corydoras trilineatus |
Synonyms | Corydoras dubius, Corydoras episcopi |
Origins | Brazil, Colombia, Peru & Suriname |
Sexual Dimorphism | Mature females are larger and appear fuller when viewed from above. |
Length | 6.0 cm |
Shoaling | Yes |
Temperature | 22 - 26 deg C |
Water parameters | pH 6.0 - 8.0, dH 1 - 20 |
Suitable catfish for the community aquarium. Must be kept on a soft sand substrate in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area, and maintained in groups of 5 or more due to shoaling nature. Some shady planted areas should be provided. Corydoras have the ability to breathe air intestinally, so a small gap should be left between the surface of the water and the cover slides in order for the fish to come up to the surface and take air in. It may do this numerous times per day. More often than not, you will see this species incorrectly labelled up in dealers’ tanks as Corydoras julii (or even Corydoras leopardus). Corydoras julii have spotted type markings on the head area, whereas C. trilineatus have a more reticulated pattern. The true C. julii is only very rarely imported.Feeding
Sinking catfish pellets, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae and brineshrimp.Breeding
Mature fish (2 males:1 female) can be triggered into spawning by performing a large, slightly cooler water change. A pair will adopt the classic Corydoras ‘T position’ where the male fertilises the eggs that are held between the females’ pelvic fins. The semi-adhesive eggs will then be deposited onto plants, décor, or the sides of the aquarium etc and the process repeated. The eggs generally take 4-5 days to hatch, and after a further 48 hours they will become free-swimming and are able to take finely-powdered first foods and newly hatched brineshrimp. To avoid predation and ensure a higher success rate, many fishkeepers move the parents to another aquarium after the eggs have all been deposited. The eggs of this species are prone to fungussing – many breeders choose to use an anti-fungus remedy for greater success.