The neon tetra is a freshwater fish of the characin family. The type species of its genus, it is native to blackwater or clearwater streams in southeastern Colombia, eastern Peru, and western Brazil, including the tributaries of the Solimões where the water is between 20 and 26 °C (68 and 79 °F). It is not found in the whitewater rivers of Andean origin. Its bright colouring makes the fish visible to conspecifics in the dark blackwater streams, and is also the main reason for its popularity among tropical fish hobbyists.
Type | Tetra |
Family | Characidae |
Species | Paracheirodon innesi |
Synonyms | Hyphessobrycon innesi |
Origins | Inland waters of Brazil, Colombia & Peru. Most specimens in the aquatics trade are captive-bred. |
Sexual Dimorphism | In mature specimens, females may appear slightly fuller. |
Length | 4.0 cm |
Shoaling | Yes |
Temperature | 20 - 26 deg C |
Water parameters | pH 5.0 - 7.5, dH 1 - 12 |
Perhaps the best known of all tropical fish, Neon Tetras are a colourful, but delicate species which should not be added to the aquarium until it is mature (at least 3-6 months old). Due to its shoaling nature, this species should be maintained in groups of at least 6, and preferably more. Peaceful and suitable for smaller aquariums – can be kept with other small peaceful fish species. Shelter in the form of plant cover will be much appreciated.Feeding
Offer a good quality flake food, supplemented with small frozen foods such as daphnia and cyclops.Breeding
Difficult to breed in the home aquarium, but it can be achieved under the right conditions in a specially designated species-only aquarium. The pH should be at the lower end of the range (i.e. between 5.0 and 6.0) with a hardness <5 degrees dH. Spawning mops or Java moss should be placed on the bottom of the aquarium and a group of conditioned adult fish acclimatised to the tank. During the spawning process, up to 130 eggs will be scattered. The adults are non-guarders and should be removed immediately after spawning to prevent predation on the eggs. Juveniles should be offered infusoria as a first food.