Vallisneria spiralis (Red)

Vallisneria spiralis “Red”  is a hardy plant suitable for the beginner hobbyist. It makes little demands in the aquarium and can grow fast when conditions are optimal. It also looks the best and adapts the most out of all other Vallis – this is why it’s the only species we sell in the vallis family. Once you see it, you’ll know why.

Leaves are an attractive, dark green/red when grown under optimum conditions. Great for beginners and up. All species of Vallisneria do not tolerate liquid carbon, therefore we do not recommend adding these plants to any tank using liquid carbon. Some hobbyists mistake this plant to have spiral leaves like the name might suggest but it’s actually the opposite and has very straight leaves. The word ‘spiralis’ is the scientific name that refers to the flower stalk that corkscrews as it grows.


Family Hydrocharitaceae
Genus Vallisneria
Type Stolon
Origins Can be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide.
Color Green
Placement Background
Dificulty Easy
Growth Rate Fast
Lighting Low
Size 30 - 50 cm
CO2 Low

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